Thursday 30 September 2021

A-Z Uses for Peppermint Oil to

Boost Your Health  Naturally ,

Peppermint oil


 is an extremely versatile oil that offers countless benefits. Its main component, menthol, has been widely studied and found to help with the following issues:

  • Digestion

  • Bacterial infection

  • Inflammation

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle soreness

  • Congestion

  • Allergies

  • Headaches

  • Bad breath


 Promote Hair Growth

Studies show that massaging peppermint oil into your scalp can help promote hair growth and encourage hair to become thicker, even without participants changing their diets

To use: Add a few drops of peppermint oil to your favorite shampoo and massage deeply into your scalp.

Relieve Headaches

Research shows that peppermint oil has a significant relaxing and pain-reducing effect on headaches. In one study, peppermint oil reduced sensitivity associated with headaches .

To use: Mix 2 drops of peppermint oil in a carrier oil and rub on your temples. If your headache feels more like a tension headache coming from your neck area, massage the oil on your shoulders and neck

 Boost Exercise Performance

Researchers have found that athletes supplementing with peppermint oil were able to significantly increase exercise performance parameters, including improving breathing capacity and increasing oxygen levels (19).

To use: Add 1-2 drops of peppermint oil to a large glass of water daily.

Soothe a Sore Throat

Menthol’s cooling properties can help soothe a painful and inflamed sore throat, while also combating any infection that may have caused it .

To use: Either gargle a mix of 2 drops of peppermint oil in water, or add a few drops to a pot with water and deeply inhale the steam.


 Clear a Stuffy Nose

Peppermint oil can help treat many cold symptoms, such as mucus congestion, due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties

To use: Diffuse peppermint oil throughout your home when you have a cold to reduce bacteria in the air and help with a stuffy nose and congestion.

 Relieve Sunburns

Peppermint oil’s cooling and anti-inflammatory properties also make it an excellent remedy for sunburn.

To use: Combine 2 drops of peppermint oil with a carrier oil (and even some aloe if you’d like) and rub on affected areas.

                               Sharpen Memory

Studies show that peppermint can help improve concentration and focus while also improving memory, making it a great option to help with the symptoms of ADHD .

To use: Dilute 2 drops in a carrier oil and rub on your chest before you start your day, or carry the oil with you and inhale it directly from the bottle when you need to focus.

As you can see, the uses of peppermint oil are virtually endless. With such a broad base of benefits, this is one oil you should have stocked in your kitchen at all times.

Get Rid of Dandruff

Peppermint oil possesses anti fungal and antimicrobial properties that make it excellent for combating dandruff .

To use: Add 2 drops to your regular shampoo and concentrate on massaging your scalp as you shower.

Boost Energy

Instead of reaching for energy drinks whenever you need a boost, give peppermint oil a try. Studies have shown it improves physical and mental energy levels and performance just five minutes after ingesting it .

To use: Inhale the scent of peppermint directly for a boost of energy and clarity, or put a few drops in your favorite defusing container  to inhale the vapors throughout your day. Internally, add one drop to a large glass of water (yes, a little goes a long way!) and drink.



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