My Own Personal List of Self Help Remedies Ive Found and Use


Sleep better with this cutting-edge natural remedy

The ‘insider’ secret to BETTER sleep

It’s a classic darned-if-you, darned-if-you-don’t situation:

You can’t sleep, which leaves you feeling crummy in the morning. So you take a sleep drug, which helps you get more sleep… yet you don’t wake up feeling bright and refreshed.

You feel even WORSE than you did when you were getting LESS sleep!

Well, friend, I’m here today to say you can turn that formula around as the latest science uncovers a little-known natural therapy that can help on two key levels:

  • You can fall asleep faster

  • You can wake up feeling more refreshed and alert

So far, only true “insiders” in the world of natural medicine know about this up-and-comer.

But today, you can be an insider, too!

Sleep longer, wake up refreshed

New research focuses on a very special molecule called palmitoylethanolamide, or just PEA for short.

It’s getting quite the reputation for pain relief.

Studies show it may enhance the mood and fight anxiety and stress, too.

But the newest study goes even further, testing it against a placebo not only for sleep at night, but alertness and cognition in the morning.

And it passed that test with flying colors!

After eight weeks, volunteers given PEA supplements fell asleep 19 minutes faster – about the same as many sleep meds, and THREE TIMES FASTER than the placebo group in the study.

Click Here for full Report 


How sage protects your brain

With Alzheimer’s disease, there are changes in the structure of the brain that result in a lack of acetylcholine  production.

New research shows that sage has beneficial affects of acetylcholine receptor activity, preventing its rapid breakdown.3

Also, animal studies suggest that sage:

  • Protects against inflammation and damage from the infamous beta amyloid plaques that form with Alzheimer’s.4

  • Supports the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF is important for the health and survival of brain cells (known as neurons).5 People with Alzheimer’s have lower levels of BDNF.

  • Packs potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.6 Like most chronic, degenerative diseases, there is protracted inflammation with Alzheimer’s. Sage works to quench the proverbial fire that is occurring in the brain cells.

  • Has anti-anxiety and anti-depressive effects.7 These symptoms are common in people with Alzheimer’s. And similar to what was found in the study I cited, sage has been shown to reduce symptoms of aggression, anxiety, and depression.

It is important to note that there have been several other studies completed in people with Alzheimer’s who were given sage supplementation.

They, too, found positive benefits in memory and little in the way of side effects.8

There are many types of sage species. Most studies have used the saliva officinalis and lavandulaefolia species.

Since most people with Alzheimer’s are taking medications, I recommend you let your doctor know of supplements you plan to take so you can be properly monitored.

 Click here for full Report.

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