
 Tonics For Great Health and Skin Care Tips

 It may come as a surprise to learn the mystical health tonic you’ve been searching for is much closer to home. As with many things in the health world, taking a step back and observing how our predecessors did things can be invaluable. The solution lies in simple, minimally processed, raw ingredients – ones that are selected for their natural health benefits, not as a small cog in a great machine comprised of many altered, unnatural ingredients.

 Here are two three-ingredient concoctions that may just provide that miracle of health and healing you’ve been searching for. 

Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey and Cinnamon Tonic 

The key to success with this health tonic is to source only the highest quality ingredients. Now is not the time to worry about your wallet at the supermarket or health-food store. It’s absolutely a worthwhile health investment to buy high-caliber ingredients.

With this in mind, here are the qualifications for each ingredient: 

The honey must be raw, preferably organic. Organic just implies the bees have not pollinated flowers or plants which are treated with pesticides, herbicides or other nasty applications. This ensures you get only the highest quality honey from known sources. Raw means that the honey has not been pasteurized, a process to increase its shelf life but can render it biologically inactive by killing off the active enzymes in the honey – the reason it’s such a potent ingredient.


Your cinnamon should also be organic. As with our other ingredients, buying non-organic cinnamon means you’re at greater risk of ingesting harmful toxins and heavy metals, which can negatively impact your health.  


Combine two cups of the apple cider vinegar, one cup of honey and two teaspoons of cinnamon in a jar and stir/shake well. Store your super syrup in a cool dry area, keeping in mind that placing it in the fridge will cause the honey to harden and settle to the bottom. A couple of sips in the morning, and again at night are enough to ensure you enjoy all of the nurturing benefits of this tonic. 



Warm Water, Lemon and Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic

That’s right, we’re once again employing the health properties of our friend apple cider vinegar – it’s just that good! This time it’s a simple concoction you can make in seconds if you have the ingredients ready; all you need is some warm or room temperature filtered or mineral water, raw organic apple cider vinegar and half an organic lemon. Simple as that.

Drinking this each morning, as soon as you wake up and before you put anything else in your stomach, is an excellent way to start your day. It stimulates digestion, expels toxins from the liver and supports your digestive enzymes for a busy day ahead. 


Once again, the ingredient requirements are strict: your water should preferably be spring water from glass bottles, but if this isn’t available then filtered water will do. This ensures the base for your tonic isn’t introducing new toxins into your body as you drink it — that would be a bit counterproductive. Next, as above, your apple cider vinegar should be raw, organic and unfiltered. When apple cider vinegar is filtered, the health-giving SCOBY or “mother” (an accumulation of beneficial bacteria and yeast that turns the apples into vinegar) is removed, and we definitely don’t want that.

Finally, the lemon should be organic, to ensure its skin isn’t riddled with nasty pesticides and other harmful chemicals. 


Fill a glass with warm water, squeeze in half a lemon, and pour in a rough teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Sip it slowly and let it work its magic!

These health tonics work best if you keep at it – make sure you drink them as directed for at least a week to begin experiencing the myriad of health benefits they offer.



 The apple cider vinegar must be raw and organic. Raw means it still contains the active cultures that support your gut biome and bolster your immune system. Organic means the apples from which it was made are not coated in pesticides, heavy metals and toxins, which would then pass into your system and offset all your hard work. 


Skin Care Tips


There are some really healthy, simple changes you can make to your morning and evening skincare routines.  

Exfoliate with Baking Soda 

If you need to exfoliate, try mixing baking soda, water and a dab of liquid soap (Dr. Bronner’s works well) or coconut oil.

Use a tablespoon or so of baking soda, some water, and a squirt of the soap or oil. You want the consistency to be similar to icing.

Wet your face with warm water and then apply the baking soda blend with your fingertips. Rub in gentle circular motions. Keep it out of your eyes! Rinse off with warm water and pat gently to dry. 


Apple Cider Vinegar For Toning

An apple cider vinegar rinse can help act as a toner. Try mixing it in with some water and increase the amount of vinegar you use as your skin gets used to it. Use a cotton ball or soft cloth and apply it after you’ve washed your face at night. Pat dry.  

Dry Brush

When it comes to your entire body, you can use the dry brush method to help to remove dead skin cells. From everywhere but your face, that is! You’ll need a special natural brush for this if you want to do it the “right” way but you can also use an exfoliating mitt; start at feet and move in circular movements. Do one leg at a time. When you get to your torso, start over at your neck and work your way down towards your heart. Do the same with your arms. Not only will this feel great, but the benefits of skin brushing include cell regeneration and increased blood flow! 

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